Recycling your empty ink cartridges
Recycling Printer Cartridges

With Cartridge World, recycling ink cartridges is good for the environment and simple to do. We have two excellent recycling partners so you can choose how you want to recycle and who benefits from your recycling.
Get paid for your empty ink cartridges!
Do you want some cash back for your empty Canon or HP inkjets?
Get paid up to a whopping £3.60 an ink cartridge in 24 hours.
Cartridge World have partnered with to help you do just that. With a commitment to providing an excellent service to their customers we know they will look after ours. Take a look at Inkviro's customer feedback here..
With Cartridge World you can Print, Save and Earn everytime you swap your ink cartridges.
1. Find your Canon or HP ink cartridge model(s) with a recycling value on the Inkviro website.
2. Add min. £10 worth of inkjets to Your Seller Basket (Genuine Original):
For disposal convenience, others can be added on a 1:1 basis inc. CW branded.
3. "Checkout", and receive a Royal Mail FREEPOST label
4. Package & return your ink cartridges via your Post Office for quick payment.
5. Inkviro pay by bank or PayPal- as good as cash, within 24-48 hours:
Money straight into your account!
Option 2 - Recycle for Charity - Sorry this scheme is currently unavailble
If you have received one of our TO YOU Freepost bags with your cartridge delivery simply put your empty cartridges in the bag and drop them off at your nearest branch of Asda.
1: Place your empty ink cartridges in the TO YOU envelope provided.
2: Take the envelope to your local Asda store
Place in the TO YOU collection point and we will do the rest.
Any funds generated through this recycling scheme will be donated to charity. Cartridge World are currently supporting the mental health charity.

Why Recycle?
Unwanted electrical equipment is the UK's fastest growing type of waste.
Many electrical items can be repaired or recycled, saving natural resources and the environment. If you do not recycle, electrical equipment will end up in landfill where hazardous substances will leak out and cause soil and water contamination – harming wildlife and also human health.
Recycling Toner Cartridges
Cartridges are classified as electrical equipment and used cartridges as waste electrical equipment or WEEE. You can recycle your used empty inkjet cartridges with us. To recycle toner cartridges you can either return them to your nearest Cartridge World store or alternatively, go to the following website to locate your nearest recycling centre:
To remind you that your cartridges can be recycled, they will now be marked with a crossed out wheelie bin symbol:

Recycle with the Manufacturers
The majority of orginal toner cartridge manufacturers have their own recycling schemes which allows you to recycle your toner cartridges directly with the brands. We have listed the details below.

At Brother, we take our environmental responsibilities seriously, and encourage our customers to do the same by sending us their used printer ink cartridges and toner cartridges for recycling at no cost.

Canon’s toner cartridge recycling programme provides you with a free, easy and environmentally responsible way to recycle your empty Canon toner cartridges.

If it takes 1,000 years or more for one ink or toner cartridge to decompose inside a landfill, doesn't it make sense to responsibly recycle all of your Dell ink and toner cartridges — for free — with us?

Following Epson's philosophy towards recycling “To conserve valuable environmental resources and reduce waste we aim to collect and recycle as many products and supplies as possible”, Epson has established the collection and recycling programs for cartridges. The programmes consist of single return (via postal) and bulk return (via box collection programme).

We collect used products for resale and recycling in 76 countries and territories worldwide. We are committed to helping our customers recycle responsibly. Our product recycling goal is to recycle 1.2 million tonnes of hardware and supplies by 2025.

Lexmark offers our customers environmentally sound choices for disposal of our end-of-life products and supplies. We continue to develop products, features and solutions that offer our customers opportunities to reduce the environmental impact of their printing and imaging activites.

As part of our commitment to protecting the environment, we are pleased to offer our customers free recycling facilities for all genuine OKI Original consumables such as toner cartridges, image drums (EP cartridges), fuser units, transfer belts, waste toner bottles and ribbons.

Thank you for using the HP Planet Partners return and recycling service. Samsung printer cartridges can be recycled through the HP Planet Partners scheme.

Xerox is committed to responsible and environmental business practices. The Xerox Green World Alliance is a valuable recycling program that minimizes environmental impacts of printer supplies and provides options to throwing away empty containers.
Our supplies recycling programs have kept thousands of tons of supplies out of landfills.
The Waste Electrical or Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive requires countries to maximise separate collection and environmentally friendly processing of these items. In the UK, distributors (including retailers) must provide a system which allows all customers buying new electrical equipment the opportunity to recycle their old items free of charge. Those establishing their own take back scheme must, as a minimum, offer all customers buying new electrical equipment free take-back of their old electricals on a like for like basis.