Can Creative Activities Improve Mental Health?

Would you believe me if I told you that painting can help improve your mental health? Well, it can… and it’s not just painting. Numerous creative activities like drawing, writing, music and gardening have all been scientifically linked to help improve mental health and well-being.

Looking back at your childhood, your happiest moments were probably spent emerging yourself in a creative activity. Creativity can make a significant difference in people lives; no matter the age, by inspiring and supporting them to connect and express their own creativity to help reduce stress. It’s safe to say that creativity can often shift focus away from worrying thoughts, simply through the art of distraction.

So… what do creative activities do?

Increases brain function

Certain creative activities, like playing an instrument, can improve cognitive function by having stronger connectivity between the left and right parts of the brain. Additionally, creative writing can also help to boost your learning and memory and help you to become more present and mindful.

Increases happiness

Experts say there is a link between creativity and happiness. According to author Steven Kotler, throughout periods of creativity your brain secrets small doses of pleasure-feeling chemicals, such as dopamine and serotonin. This explains why we often feel happier when we engage in creative activities.

Reduces stress and anxiety

Creativity can act in a similar way to meditation, by helping the mind to focus on different things, rather than what’s causing the stress. Not only are creative activities an outstanding way to escape from the stresses of modern life, but it also helps us to train our brains to work and think differently. For Cartridge World Employee, Elysse, playing the guitar always helps her to "relieve any stressful thoughts or feelings".

The past two years have probably been the most stress-inducing year we’ve had to date, which is why it is so important to put our mental health and well-being first. There is no time like the present to get started. Why not set 15-30 minutes out of your day to let your creativity run wild!

Need some inspiration?

  • Stimulate your imagination and explore outside nature, it truly is a beautiful world.
  • Grab a guitar! Even if you can’t play, I heard Wonderwall is easy to learn.
  • Start a new hobby. Try your hand at writing stories, poems or songs.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, please remember there are support systems around you. Don’t be afraid to talk.